Heat-flo Gets More Green, Introduces New Insulation

Product Changes During 2019
In an effort to continuously improve our products, Heat-Flo upgraded their tank insulation during 2019 to a two-part urethane insulation. The two-part urethane insulation that is being used is a high R-value HFO based system that is free of HFCs. Heat-Flo is ahead of the upcoming phase out of HFC based insulations that are required by California as of Jan. 2020, and by Canada as of Jan. 2021. The insulation has a global warming potential of 1 and an ozone depletion potential of 0. All tanks have been upgraded to R-16+ insulating value.
Heat-Flo also wanted to continue to provide products that could be disassembled after the useful life of the product so the materials could be recycled, rather than providing a product that ends up in a land fill like most water heaters. Heat-flo is the only water heater manufacturer in North America that is doing this as far as we know.
How is this accomplished?
All tanks are constructed of 100% 316 stainless steel. There are no dissimilar materials.
The outer jacket of the unit is made with a corrosion resistant, recyclable thermoplastic rather than a painted steel jacket.
The stainless steel tank is covered with plastic sheet stock prior to the insulating process so that the insulation will not adhere to the tank. A high R value two-part urethane foam insulation is used to fill the gap between the tank and the jacket. All of this is designed to accommodate the disassembly of the tank and recycling of components. The thermoplastic jacket and the urethane insulation can be removed. The T+P valve and the drain valve can be removed. The remaining tank is 100% stainless steel that can be recycled. Disassembly of the tank can be done with common tools and can be done in about 1 hour.